The Age of Apathy

Aren’t we kind of getting tired of all this global warming talk. Who cares at this point? As for the last ‘how many years’ have we been told that the sky will fall. Figuratively speaking. I think science fiction writers are aware of our disbelief and lean on our nonchalant attitudes. Writing in a way to spark any emotion towards these issues.

Catastrophe is always interesting. Mixing in the fact that imminent disaster could happen to the world we live in, now you got me. But where does the switch flip from intrigue to sappy dialog? All I wanted was to hear an intense compelling story but now you want to preach about “greener life starts with you”? If media has told us anything it’s that a good story sells.

I like a good story but sometimes the ideas are so grandiose that I forget we have the underlying sense of “this could happen”. Struggling to find the line a lot of the time because we simple don’t believe that these catastrophes are plausible, at least in our time.

Removing any feeling of urgency to act.

Society isn’t interested in some environmental doomsday that they have to wait years upon. Unless of course the trailer is good. Not even political figures leading countries are interested. They aren’t even incentivized to be. All they want is to scheme for your next vote. Begging the question why would they set in place long term plans when their time is limited? Simply, they don’t. Fuelling our lack of enthusiasm, interest, or concern.

Birthing the new age.